and to discharge the other duties required of them by this act ;
and before the said managers shall proceed to act, they shall
severally give bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of
ten thousand dollars, conditioned for their faithful accounting
for all moneys that may come to their hands; which bond shall
be approved by one of the judges of Baltimore county court,
and sent to the treasurer of the western shore of this state.
directed to
pay to their
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of the
treasurer of the western shore, to pay to the board of managers,
to be appointed as herein after directed, such sums as they
shall, from time to time require, not exceeding in all, the sum
Not exceed-
ing $20,000
this year to
be applied
to defray
expenses of
of twenty thousand dollars during the present year, to be ap-
plied by them as they, in their discretion, shall think best, in
removing or causing to be removed, such slaves as may here-
after become free, and such people of colour as are now free,
and may be willing to remove out of the state to the colony of
Liberia, on the coast of Africa, or to such other place or places,
out of the limits of the state, as they may think best, and as
the said persons to be removed, so may consent to go to, in the
manner herein after provided; and the said board may, from
tions for re-
ception at
time to time, make such preparations at the said colony of Libe-
ria, or elsewhere, as they may think best, which shall seem to
them expedient for the reception and accommodation and sup-
port of the said persons so to be removed, until they can be
enabled to support themselves, and shall also take such mea-
sures as may seem to them necessary and expedient to obtain
and place before the people of colour of the state of Maryland,
Diffuse in-
full and correct information of the condition and circumstances
of the colony of Liberia, or such other place or places, to which
they may recommend their removal, and shall return a faithful
account of all their expenditures of the said sums, and make a
full report of all their proceedings to the next general assembly
of this state.
Clerks of
courts and
registers of
wills to fur-
nish said
board with
copies of all
sions, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall hereafter be the duty
of every clerk of a county in this state, whenever a deed of manu-
mission shall be left in his office for record, and of every register
of wills in every county of this state, whenever a will, manumit
ting a slave or slaves, shall be admitted to probate, to send within
five days thereafter, (under a penalty of ten dollars for each and
every omission so to do, to be recovered before any justice of the
peace, one-half whereof shall go to the informer and the other
half to the state;) an extract from such deed or will, stating the
names, number and ages of the slave or slaves so manumitted,
(a list whereof, in the case of a will so proved, shall be filed
therewith, by the executor or administrator) to the board of
managers for Maryland, for removing the people of colour of
said state; and it shall be the duty of the said board, on receiv-