bond may be sued as aforesaid, without assignment by the
constable, to the parly suing.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted That the said bond shall be re-
turned by the constable to the justice of the peace, to whom the
warrant shall be returned, to be by such justice, preserved for
the use of the persons interested therein, and delivered to such
other justice as may entertain any proceedings as aforesaid on
such bond.
Bond to be
returned to
AN ACT prohibiting the use of Gill Nets, in the Potomac River, and in
Patuxent River, during the period therein mentioned.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for
any person or persons whatsoever, to fix, set or stake out gill
nets, or such like devices for the taking of herrings and shad
in the Potomac river, at any place above the mouth of the river
Wicomico, and in Patuxent river, from the twentieth day of
March, to the twentieth day of May, in each and every year,
and any person offending against the provisions of this act,
shall for every day he may be guilty of such offence, be liable
to the penalty of ten dollars, and a forfeiture of the net, device
Gill nets
or instrument so used, one-half of the penalty with such net or
instrument for the use of the informer, and the residue for the
use of the state, to be recovered by information, and warrant
before a justice of the peace in the county most contiguous to
the place where the offence may be committed, who shall have
full power and authority to enforce the recovery and collection
of the same.
Modified by 1832, ch. 259.
AN ACT relating to the People of Colour in this State,
Supplements, 1832, ch. 40, 145, 2%, 3J6; 1833, ch. 162; 1834, ch. 160,
197; 1837, ch. 275; 1838, ch. 269.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the governor and council shall, as soon as conveniently
may be after the passage of this act, appoint a board of mana-
gers, consisting of three persons, who shall, at the time of their
appointment, be members of the Maryland State Colonization
ment of
board of
Society, whose duty it shall be to remove from the state of Ma-
ryland, the people of colour now free, and such as shall here-
after become so, to the colony of Liberia, in Africa, or such
other place or places, out of the limits of this state, as they may
approve of, and the person or persons so to be removed, shall
consent to go to, according to the provisions of this act, and to
provide for their establishment and support as far as necessary,
To remove
free negroes
and mu-