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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1037   View pdf image (33K)
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ing the same, to notify the American Colonization Society, or
the Maryland State Colonization Society thereof, and to propose
to such society that they shall engage, at the expense of such
society, to remove said slave or slaves so manumitted to Liberia;
and if the said society shall so engage, then it shall be the duty
of the said board of managers to have the said slave or slaves

Board to
notify colo-

delivered to the agent of such society, at such place as the said
society shall appoint, for receiving such slave or slaves, for
the purpose of such removal, at such time as the said so-
ciety shall appoint; and in case the said society shall refuse

If they will
remove, the
shall be

so to receive and remove the person or persons so manumitted
and offered, or in case the said person or persons shall refuse
so to be removed, then it shall be the duty of the said board of
managers to remove the said person or persons to such other
place or places, beyond the limits of this state, as the said board
shall approve of, and the said person or persons shall be willing

And if they
refuse to go
to Liberia.

to go to, and to provide for their reception and support, such
place or places as the said board may think necessary, until
they shall be able to provide for themselves, out of any money
that may be earned by their hire, or may be otherwise provided
for that purpose; and in case the said person or persons shall

The board
to remove
them to
they may

refuse to be removed to any place, beyond the limits of this
state, and shall persist in remaining therein, then it shall be the
duty of said board to inform the sheriff of the county wherein
such person or persons may be, of such refusal, and it shall

If they re-
fuse to quit
the state.
Sheriff to
be notified.

thereupon be the duty of the said sheriff forthwith to arrest or
cause to be arrested the said person or persons so refusing to
emigrate from this state, and transport the said person or per-
sons beyond the limits of this state; and all slaves shall be ca-
pable of receiving manumission, for the purpose of removal as
aforesaid, with their consent, of whatever age, any law to the
contrary notwithstanding.

Who shall
said person.
Any slave
may be
who con-
sents to

SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That in case any slave or slaves
so manumitted, cannot be removed without separating families,
and the said slave or slaves so unwilling on that account to
be removed, shall desire to renounce the freedom so intended
by the said deed or will to be given, then it shall and may be
competent to such slave or slaves, to renounce, in open court,
the benefit of said deed or will, and to continue a slave.

Slave may
the manu-

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be compe-
tent for the orphans court of this state, and for Baltimore city
court, to grant annually a permit to any slave or slaves so per-
mitted as aforesaid, to remain as free in said county, in cases
where the said courts may be satisfied by respectable testimony,
that such slave or slaves so manumitted, deserve such permis-
sion on account of their extraordinary good conduct and charac-

court au-
thorized to
grant an-
nual permits
for slaves
to remain.

ter ; Provided, such permit shall not exempt any manumittor or




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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1037   View pdf image (33K)
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