of acres such land containeth; they are also to
enquire, when a will is brought to them for
probate, who is the devisor's heir at law, what
lands by name that belonged to him are not
disposed of by the will; and when the lands devised
are not named, they are to enquire what
is the patent name of such land; the result of
which enquiry, is to be made part of the list of
alienation aforesaid.
To effect a regularity in every branch of the
office, it is required that all papers returned to
the prerogative office, be folded up as near as
may be to the breadth of three inches, which
is readily done by doubling twice a common
sheet of writing paper; the endorsement must
begin with the year, and under this the name
of the county, then the name of the person
deceased in the third line, and under that the
quality of such paper, if a will, bond, account,
inventory, or list of debts; the endorsement on
bonds must also contain the names of the executors
or administrators, the names of the sureties,
and of both the appraisers; wills, inventories, accounts
and list of debts must also have the names
of the executors and administrators thereon endorsed;
and accounts are never to be returned,
without mentioning at the foot, as also on the
back, of every of them, if time prayed to pass a |