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Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland, 1774
Volume 139, Page 155   View pdf image (33K)
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RULES of OFFICE.        155

inventories, and lists of debts received, and accounts,
passed by them, and to transmit to the
office a true list thereof, yearly, on or before
the tenth day of December.

    They are at the expiration of three months
or oftner, to inspect such book of entries, and
by the list of wills observe if administration hath
been taken on every such deceased person's
estate; the column of inventories and account,
will shew if the inventory hath been returned,
ot the account passed; in failure of either of
which, their duty requires to call upon such neglectful
executor, or administrator, for an immediate
compliance; which, if not obtained,
or no cause shewn why a further indulgence
should be granted, they are without loss of
time to acquaint the commissary general therewith.
    They are also yearly, at or before the tenth
day of December, to transmit to the office an
enumerated list of alienations of lands, during 
the preceding year; being an abstract from
every will to them returned, of what lands have
been therein devised, and to whom, with the
devisor's and devisees names, the date of the
probate to the will, the name of the land,
what county the land lies in, and the quantity

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Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland, 1774
Volume 139, Page 155   View pdf image (33K)
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