further account, or, if it is, a final account; and
at the conclusion of every final account, must
be certified the names of the sureties, and the
names of every representative, on such estate.
For the same reason, it is recommended to
them, to make use of the probates and precedents
contained in this collection; the same being
now adopted in the prerogative office, in
every case wherein they are applicable.
They are further enjoined, to make regular
returns of all commissions to them directed for
passing of accounts; as also of all warrants to
appraisers by them issued, to the end that the
execution of the commissions, and the qualification
of the appraisers, may appear on the records.
When there are co-executors, or joint administrators,
one of whom only passes the account,
the preamble of the account must set
forth the names of all the executors, or administrators
mentioned in the bond and letters;
but the probate, only the name of him that
passes, and proves the account.
If the executor appointed by the will be
dead, so that letters with will annexed are issued, |