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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 88   View pdf image (33K)
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____ _____
Initiated measure relat- for 307,173
ing to county superin- against 497,198
tendents of schools. ______
majority 190,025 against
total vote 804,371
oregon (Population: 1950—1,521,341; 1960—1,768,687)
1956 Total Presidential Vote: 736,132.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 20,045.
(Based upon 5% of 1954 vote for justice of Supreme Court: 400,897.)
Referred measure regu- for 385,367
lating fishing in coastal against 250,492
streams. ______
majority 134,875 for
total vote 635,859
Referred measure ere- for 267,591
ating cigarette sales tax. against 396,643
majority 129,052 against
total vote 664,234
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 32,072.
(Based upon 8% of 195* vote for justice of Supreme Court: 400,897.)
Initiated measure ere- (No figures available.)
ating a state old age and
disability pension fund.
Initiated measure ere- (No figures available.)
ating a basic school-sup-
port fund by annual tax
1960 Total Presidential Vote: 776,421.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 21,065.
(Based upon 5% of 1958 vote for justice of Supreme Court: 421,307.)
Referred measure on per- for 115,610
sonal income tax to in- against 570,025
crease state revenue. ______
majority 454,415 against
total vote 685,635
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 33,704.
(Based upon 8% of 1958 vote for justice of Supreme Court: 421,307.)
Initiated measure to con- for 261,735
trol billboards. against 475,290
majority 213,555 against
total vote 737,025

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 88   View pdf image (33K)
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