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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 87   View pdf image (33K)
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______________________________ DIRECT LEGISLATION
1959 (Special Election on measure sponsored by
J. Howard Edmondson, Governor of Oklahoma.)
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 26,942.
(Based upon 5% of 1958 gubernatorial vote: 538,839.)
Referred measure to re- for 396,442
peal prohibition. against 314,874
majority 81,548 for
total vote 711.316
1960 Total Presidential Vote: 903,150.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 26,942.
(Based upon 5% of 1958 gubernatorial vote: 538,839.)
Referred measure relat- (Exact figures not known. However, a news article
ing to income tax with- disclosed that it was defeated by a vote of two to one.)
holding by employers.
1962 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 709,763.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 43,107.
(Based upon 8% of 1958 gubernatorial vote: 538,839.)
Initiated measure to pro- (No figures available.)
vide a method for enforc-
ing the constitutional for-
mula for apportionment
of the legislature.
1964 Total Presidential Vote: 932,499.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 35,488.
(Based upon 5% of 1962 gubernatorial vote: 709,763.)
Referred measure allow- for 310,358
ing for vacancies of Dis- against 458,037
trict Judge, Superior ______
Judge, and U. S. Senator majority 147,679 against
to be filled by special
election rather than ap- total vote 768,395
pointment by the gover-
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 56,781.
(Based upon 8% of 1962 gubernatorial vote: 709,763.)
Initiated measure relat- for 362,468
ing to payment of state against 461,717
aid to school districts. ______
majority 99,249 against
total vote 824,185
Initiated measure provid- for 403,865
ing for school desegrega- against 418,070
tion. ——————
majority 14,205 against
total vote 821,935

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 87   View pdf image (33K)
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