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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 89   View pdf image (33K)
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1962 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 637,407.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 42,439.
(Based upon 8% of 1960 vote for justice of Supreme Court: 530,489.)
Initiated measure restric- (The official abstract of votes omits this question.)
ting commercial fishing
on the Columbia River.
Initiated measure to re- for 206,540
peal school district re- against 320,917
organization law. ______
majority 114,377 against
total vote 527,457
1964 Total Presidential Vote: 784,796.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 42,439.
(Based upon 8% of 1960 vote for justice of Supreme Court: 530,489.)
Initiated measure to a- for 205,182
mend State Workmen's against 549414
Compensation Laws mak- ______
ing them compulsory majority 344,232 against
rather than elective.
total vote 754,596
Initiated measure pro- for 221,797
hibiting commercial fish- against 534,731
ing for salmon and steel- ______
head, majority 312,934 against
total vote 756,528
south dakota (Population: 1950—652,740; 1960—680,514)
1956 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 292,017.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 11,813.
(Based upon 5% of 1954 gubernatorial vote: 236,255.)
Referred measure relat- for 127,392
ing to the State Soldiers' against 132,475
Home and its governing ______
board, majority 5,083 against
total vote 259,867
1964 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 290,570.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 12,806.
(Based upon 5% of 1962 gubernatorial vote: 256,120.)
Referred measure to al- for 58,289
low State to enforce its against 201,389
civil and criminal laws ______
over Indians on Reserva- majority 143,100 against
total vote 259,678
Referred measure limit- for 107,515
ing unemployment bene- against 132,296
fits to one-half of the ______
quarterly earnings or to majority 24,781 against
eight weeks earnings.
whichever is greater. total vote 239,811

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 89   View pdf image (33K)
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