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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 86   View pdf image (33K)
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Referred measure to re- for 154,806
duce the number of against 108,857
brakemen required on ______
trains. majority 45,949 for
total vote 263,663
1962 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 228,509.
Initiated measure for for 110,193
secret consolidated pri- against 81,356
mary ballot. ______
majority 28,837 for
total vote 191,549
1964 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 262,661.
Initiated measure repeal- for 157,823
ing statutes which require against 87,164
a specific number of men ___'
on freight trains. majority 70,659 for
total vote 244,987
Initiated measure requir- for 85,931
ing a full train crew of at against 147,785
least five employees on ___'
freight trains. majority 61,854 against
total vote 243,716
Initiated measure requir- for 81,321
ing railroads to operate against 148,568
at least one mixed freight ______
and passenger train over majority 67,247 against
ne^day6 ^ "^ ^ t0tal V0te 229>889
Initiated measure author- for 133,216
izing the sale of alcoholic against 106,701
beverages where food is ___'
- majority 26,515 for
total vote 239,922
ohio (No statewide question initiated or referred by petition since 1956.)
oklahoma (Population: 1950—2,233,351; 1960—2,328,284)
1956 Total Presidential Vote: 859,350.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 48,736.
(Based upon 8% of 1954 gubernatorial vote: 609,194.*)
Initiated measure crea- for 296,679
ting six new Congress- against 256,293
ional Districts. ______
majority 40,386 for**
total vote 552,972
* The required number of signatures is calculated from the state office receiving the highest
vote. In these calculations, this is assumed to be the gubernatorial race.
** Although the measure received a favorable vote, it did not pass since the Oklahoma Con-
stitution requires that a measure receive a majority of the votes cast at that election.

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 86   View pdf image (33K)
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