Senator during the recess of the Senate,
communicated in writing to the Gover-
nor, or upon the death of any Senator
during the recess, it shall be the duty of
the Governor to issue a warrant of elec-
tion, to supply vacancies thus created in
the same manner as the President of the
Senate for the time being is authorized
to do, in virtue of an act to amend the
constitution and form of government of
the State of Maryland, Chapter 197,
passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty six, and confirmed
December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty seven.
Sec. 2. In all cases of resignation or
death as aforesaid the elections to supply
the vacancies shall take place at the
time and places of the annual election
of delegates, unless such resignation or
death shall occur between the first day
of September and the meeting of the
General Assembly in any year, in which
event, elections shall be held at such
time, as shall be directed by the Gover-
nor, with such notice as is provided by
the Act of Assembly for the amend-
ments of the constitution and form of
Government as aforesaid.
Sec. 3. The provisions of the four-
teenth and fifteenth sections of the Act
of December session of the year eighteen
hundred and thirty six, Chapter 197, be
and the same are hereby declared to ex-
tend to the offices of the Judges of the
several Judicial districts of this State,
and to all other offices of this State
known to the Constitution, concerning
the appointment of which no other
mode shall have been or may hereafter
be provided, so as to authorize the Gov-
ernor to nominate, and by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate to
appoint, to said offices, in case of vacan-
cies occuring therein; and to fill any
vacancies that may occur during the
recess of the Senate, by granting com-
missions, which shall expire on the
appointment of the same person, or of
any other person, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, to the said
offices, or at the expiration of one calen-
dar month ensuing the commencement
of the next regular session of the Senate
whichever shall first occur.
(Special Session)
Proposed by Act of 1840, chapter 55.
Ratified 1841.
It shall not be lawful for the legis-
lature of this State to authorize any
loans upon the credit of this State which
are not redeemable at the pleasure of
the State until the proposed loans are
sanctioned by an act passed at the
Session of the General Assembly next
succeeding that at which they are pro-
posed and passed, so that the opinion
of the people of the State may be
expressed thereon.
Proposed by Act of 1842, chapter 246.
Ratified 1843.
Sec. 1. At the next election for
Sheriff, and every third year thereafter,
a sheriff shall be elected by the Voters
of Baltimore County, excluding the City
of Baltimore, as sheriffs are now elected
in other Counties of this State and shall
exclusively perform the duties of sheriff
within the limits of said County, exclud-
ing Baltimore City; and shall perform
such duties within the City of Baltimore
as shall be necessary for the proper
performance of his duties as sheriff of
Said County, as the Legislature shall by
law hereafter direct.
Sec. 2. At the next election for
sheriff and every third year thereafter,
a sheriff shall be elected for the City of
Baltimore, by the voters residing in Said
City, whose duties shall be Confined to