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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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as Governor, and in relation to the re-
turns, and in relation to the qualifica-
tions of the persons voted for, as
Governor shall be decided by the Sen-
ate; and in case two or more persons,
legally qualified according to the provi-
sions of this act, shall have an equal
number of legal votes, then the Senate
and House of Delegates, upon joint bal-
lot, shall determine which one of them
shall be Governor, and the one which,
upon counting the ballots, shall have
the highest number of votes shall be
Governor and shall qualify accordingly. Sec. 23. No person who shall be
elected, and shall act as Governor, shall
be again eligible for the next succeeding
term. Sec. 24. The elections to be held in
pursuance of this act, shall be held on
the first Wednesday of October, in the
year eighteen hundred and thirty eight,
and for the election of Delegates on the
same day in every year thereafter, for
the election of Governor on the same
day in every third year thereafter, and
for the election of Senators of the first
class, on the same day in the second
year after their election and classifica-
tion, and on the same day in every sixth
year thereafter, and for the election of
Senators of the second class, on the same
day, in the fourth year after their elec-
tion and classification, and on the same
day in every sixth year thereafter, and
for the election of Senators of the third
class, on the same day, in the sixth year
after their election and classification,
and on the same day in every sixth year
Sec. 25. In all elections for Governor,
the city of Annapolis shall be deemed
and taken as a part of Anne Arundel
Sec. 26. The relation of Master and
Slave in this State, shall not be abol-

ished, unless a Bill so to abolish the
same, shall be passed by a unanimous
vote of the members of each branch of
the General Assembly, and shall be pub-
lished at least three months before a
new election of Delegates, and shall be
confirmed by a unanimous vote of the
members of each branch of the General
Assembly, at the next regular constitu-
tional session after such new election,
nor then without full compensation to
the master for the property of which he
shall be thereby deprived. Sec. 27. The City of Annapolis shall
continue to be the seat of Government,
and the place of holding the sessions of
the Court of appeals for the Western
Shore, and the High Court of Chancery. Sec. 28. If this act shall be confirmed
by the General Assembly, after a new
election of Delegates, in the first session
after such new election agreeably to the
provisions of the Constitution and form
of government, then and in such case
this act, and the alterations and amend-
ments of the Constitution therein con-
tained, shall be taken and considered,
and shall constitute and be valid, as a
part of said constitution and form of
Government, anything in the said Con-
stitution and form of Government to
the contrary notwithstanding.
Proposed by Act of 1838, chapter 411.
Ratified 1839.
AH future Sessions of the General
Assembly of this State shall close on the
tenth day of March in each and every
year, unless the same shall be closed at
an earlier day, by the agreement of the
two Houses.
Proposed by Act of 1840, chapter 230.
Ratified 1841.
Sec. 1. Upon the resignation of a


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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