the limits of Said City, in the same
manner as sheriffs are now elected for
the Counties of the State.
Proposed by Act of 1843, chapter 339.
Ratified 1844.
No money shall be drawn from the
Treasury of this State, but in conse-
quence of appropriations made by law.
Proposed by Act of 1845, chapter 269.
Ratified 1846.
Sec. 1. The first election for Dele-
gates held in pursuance of this act, shall
take place on the first Wednesday of
October, in the year of our Lord eighteen
hundred and forty seven, and on that
day forever thereafter, elections for dele-
gates shall be held once in two years.
Sec. 2. The Delegates elected on the
first Wednesday in October, eighteen
hundred and forty seven, and at all
succeeding elections forever thereafter,
shall be chosen for two years.
Sec. 3. The General Assembly shall
meet on the last Monday in December,
eighteen hundred and forty seven, and
on the same day in every second year
forever thereafter, and at no other time
unless convened by proclamation of the
Governor, who shall have full power to
convene the same whenever he may
deem it expedient and proper.
Sec. 4. From and after the first elec-
tion of Delegates held in pursuance of
this Act, the officers to be appointed by
the Governor with the advice and con-
sent of the Senate, as now provided,
shall be biennial instead of annual.
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the
Treasurer of Maryland, to transmit a
written statement of the condition of the
finances of the State, to the Governor,
on the first Monday of January, eighteen
hundred and forty eight, and on the
same day in every year thereafter in
which the Legislature does not convene.
Proposed by Act of 1846, chapter 342.
Ratified 1847.
Sec. 1. The returns of the election
for Governor, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and fifty, and forever thereafter,
shall be made in like manner as in
election of President and vice President,
save that the form of the certificate shall
be varied, to suit the case, and save
also, that the returns, instead of being
made to the Governor, shall be made to
the Chancellor of the State, and ad-
dressed to the Chancellor of Maryland,
under cover by the several Judges of
elections, in the different counties of
this State, Howard District and the City
of Baltimore.
Sec. 2. Of the persons voted for as
Governor at any such election, the per-
son having in the judgment of the
Chancellor the highest number of legal
votes, and possessing the legal qualifica-
tions, and resident in the District from
which the Governor at such election is
to be taken, shall be declared, by
proclamation of the Chancellor, within
ten days, after such election returns have
been received, duly elected Governor of
Maryland, and shall qualify as such in
the manner prescribed by the Constitu-
tion and Laws of this State, on the first
Monday of January next ensuing his
election, or as soon thereafter as may be.
Sec. 3. Excepting the cases herein-
after provided, the Chancellor shall
decide all questions in relation to the
number, and legality of the votes, given
for each and every person voted for as
governor, and in relation to the returns,
and in relation to the qualification of
persons, voted for as Governor.