provision stipulates that, subject to the
approval of the Board of Public Works,
the treasurer is authorized to make and
sell short-term notes for temporary
emergencies, but such notes may be
made only to provide for appropriations
already made by the General Assembly.
The Board constitutes the third divi-
sion of the Finance Department.3 The
General Assembly has delegated certain
powers to the Board in Article 78A of
the maryland code. The Board ex-
ercises such powers in regard to creat-
ing the state debt, fixing the interest of
debentures on the state debt, and deter-
mining the terms, conditions, and sale of
state debentures. Before contracts for
the expenditure of the proceeds of any
authorized loan are executed, they must
have been approved by the Board.4
Use of moneys derived from the sale of
construction bonds is limited by statute
to capital improvements.5 The Board
also supervises the expenditure of all
sums for acquiring land, buildings,
equipment, new construction and other
capital expenditures. All contracts for
such expenditures are subject to the
Board's approval after review by the
director of the Department of Public
Improvements. The Board must give
prior approval to any lease, or renewal,
of land, etc., before execution, and it
designates the location of state agencies
after review by the director of Budget
and Procurement.6
The Board has the power to borrow
on the credit of the State up to $50,000
3 md. code ann. art. 41, § 196 (1957, repl.
vol. 1965).
4 md. code ann. art. 78A, § 1 ( 1957, repl.
vol. 1965).
5 md. code ann. art. 78A, § 2 (1957, repl.
vol. 1965).
6 md. code ann. art. 78A, § 8 (1957, repl.
vol. 1965).
in the aggregate to meet temporary de-
ficits and is empowered to borrow up to
$1,000,000 in the aggregate in antici-
pation of taxes levied for any year.7
The Board adopts rules and regula-
tions upon the recommendation of the
comptroller covering matters of business
administration in the various depart-
ments, institutions, and agencies of the
State. It also fixes a uniform mileage
allowance, and the terms and renewals
of all bonds furnished by state officials
and employees.8
The Board has the power to approve
the sale or other disposition of state
property or rights9 and has the power
to execute and deliver deeds of trans-
fer.10 The Board also is authorized to
transfer state property from one govern-
mental agency to another.11
No agency of the executive branch
may create any permanent job in addi-
tion to those specifically provided for in
the budget, unless such job is approved
by the Board and funds are provided
from the General Emergency Funds.12
The Board is the agency through which
the Appalachian Regional Development
Act of 1965 is coordinated.13
Where a lump sum appropriation is
made to an agency, it must submit to
7 md. code ann. art. 78A, § 9 ( 1957, repl.
vol. 1965).
8Mo. code ann. art. 78A, § 10 (1957,
repl. vol. 1965).
9Mn. code ann. art. 78 A, § 15 (1957,
repl. vol. 1965).
10 md. code ann. art. 78A, § 13 (1957,
repl. vol. 1965).
11Mo. code ann. art. 78A, § 16 (1957,
repl. vol. 1965).
12 md. code ann. art. 78A, § 16B (1957,
repl. vol. 1965).
13Mo. code ann. art. 78A, § 13B (1957,
repl. vol. 1965).