the Superior Court of Baltimore city, under Edward Dowling
late clerk thereof.
No. 371. An act supplementary to acts of February 3rd?
1865, chapter 33, and March 14th, 1865, chapter 106, relat-
ing to the payment of Bounties to the heirs of deceased sol-
No. 372. An act to further extend the time and provisions
of the act passed February 6th; 1864, chapter 373, and the
supplements thereto, relating to the payment of bounties to
volunteers and drafted men of this State.
No. 373. An act to repeal an act entitled, an act to add a
new section to article 4, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
authorizing the Judge of the Superior Court to employ a Ste-
nographer, passed on the 7th of March, 1864, chapter 280, to
re-enact the same with amendments, and to insert additional
provisions for the appointment of Stenographers for the Court
of Common Pleas and the Orphan's Court of the city of Bal-
No. 374. An act to repeal section 6, of article 35, of the
Code of Public General Laws, relating to the attendance of
Judges of Election, and section 9 of said article, prescribing
the oath of Judge of Election, and section 12, of said article,
prescribing notice of Elections to be given by the Sheriff's of
the several counties, and to enact a substitute for each of said
No. 375. An act to continue in force an act entitled, an act to
regulate and make uniform the fees of Constables, passed
January Session, 1865, chapter 67.
No. 376. An act to confirm the title of Worcester county,
to the public road leading from the village of Sandy Hill to
Parker's Bay in said county, and the wharf at said Bay.
No. 377. An act to repeal, amend and re-enact the act en-
titled, an act to revive the act of incorporation of the town of
Salisbury, in Somerset and Worcester counties, chapter 356,
of Public Local Laws for Somerset county, passed March 10th,
1864, and to add new sections thereto, ratifying and confirm-
ing certain acts of the Commissioners of said town and for
other purposes.
No. 378 A supplement to act entitled, an act to incorporate
the Now Windsor Library Company, in Carroll county.
No. 379. An act to add certain additional sections to article
26, of the Public General Laws of this State, relating to Cor-