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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 478   View pdf image (33K)
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ings to introduce a bill to exempt churches, cemeteries, school
houses and other property from taxation, and to extend the
time for the correction of errors in the assessment of property
in the State.

On motion by Mr. Vickers,

Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings to introduce a bill to repeal sections five and eight of the
Act passed at the January session, 1864, chapter 15, entitled
"an Act to aid and encourage enlistments into Maryland Regi-
ments in service of the United States:" and also to repeal sec-
tions four and five of the act pas«ed at the January session,
1865, chapter 33, entitled, "an Act to provide bounty to sol-
diers entering the service of the United States to fill the quo-
tas of Marylaad, under the call of the President of the United
States, of Decamber, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and
under future calls."

On motion by Mr. Earle,

Leave was granted to the Committee on Education to
introduce a bill to authorize the School commissioneis of
Queen Anne's county to sell a portion of a school lot therein

The Clerk of the House of Delegates delivered joint resolu-
tion in relation to the payment of bounty as therein named
and directing the treasurer, upon the warrant of the Comp-
troller, to pay the same, &c.

Which was read the first time and referred to the Commit-
tee on Finance.

And returned,

The bill entitled, an Act to incorporate the Equitable Gas
Light Company of Baltimore city.

Endorsed, "passed by yeas and nays."

And delivered the following bills :

A bill entitled, an Act to repeal the 4th section of the 43d
article of the Code of Public General Laws relating to habeas
corpus and to re-enact the following section m lieu thereof :

Which was read the first time and referred to the Commit-
tee on Judicial Proceedings.

A bill entitled, an Act to authorize the payment to the
Maryland and Delaware Rail Road Company and to the Dor-
chester and Delaware Rail Road Company of the sum of thir-
teen thousand dollars, applied to the Choptank and Mispil-
Rail Road the act of 1860, chapter 303, ac-
int to the provisions of section three of said act;

Which was read the first time and referred to the Commit-
tee on Internal Improvements.

A bill entitled, an Act to authorize and require the county


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 478   View pdf image (33K)
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