1867.] OF THE SENATE. 477
Messrs. Billingslea,
Davis, of Caroline,
Davis, of Washington,
Young— 18.
On motion by Mr. Holton,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations to
introduce a bill to incorporate the Manufacturers Mutual In-
surance Company of Maryland.
On motion by Mr. Henkle,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Heakle, Brodwater and Da-
vis, of Caroline, to introduce a bill to incorporate the Reso-
lute Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore city.
On motion by Mr. Waters, it was
Ordered : Whereas, an order of this body, requiring Senate
bills, now in the hands of the Printer, to be printed and re-
turned immediately, has been utterly diregarded; and whereas,
among these bills there are several of very grave importance
to the people of the State, which seem to have been pur-
posely neglected, whilst bills of minor importance long since
committed to the hands of the printer have been given prece-
dence; and whereas similar complaints have been heard from
the House of Delegates; therefore
Be it ordered, By the Senate and House of Delegates, that
the joint committee on printing be required to inquire into
such neglect, or seemingly proposed delay; and that said com-
mittee be authorized to adopt such measures as will remedy
the evil complained of, and secure the immediate printing of
all matter ordered to be printed by either branch of the Leg-
On motion by Mr. Vickers,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings to introduce a bill to authorize and empower the county
commissioners of Kent county to erect an Almshouse in said
county, in the place of the house recently destroyed by fire.
On motion by Mr. Vickers,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings to introduce a bill to authorize the Chester Bridge com-
pany to pay over dividends on stock of W. B. Crane, deceased.
On motion by Mr. Vickers,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-