to penalties imposed by existing laws; provided,
that nothing herein contained shall be construed
so as to prohibit the production of abortion by a
regular practitioner, when deemed necessary for the
safety of the mother, after consultation with not
less than two members of the faculty, including
one member of the Board of Examiners. |
Proviso. |
Sec. 12. And be it enacted. That the Medical
Faculty of each district be and they hereby are
empowered from time to time, to make such by-
laws, rules and regulations, and to enforce them
by imposing such penalties as may be requisite for
the government of their respective bodies. Any
by-law passed in conformity with this Act, and
imposing a penalty, must receive the approval of
a majority of the whole number of licensed mem-
bers, constituting the faculty of the district impos-
ing said penalty. |
to make by-
laws, &c. |
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That all fines, pen-
alties or forfeitures imposed by this Act, shall be
recovered in the City of Baltimore as fines, penal-
ties or forfeitures imposed by the ordinances of the
city are recovered, and in each county, as those
imposed by the Commissioners of the respective |
Fines and
penalties. |
counties are recovered; provided always, that one-
half shall be paid into the treasury of the faculty
of the district and the other half to the informer. |
Proviso. |
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That all money paid
into the treasury of each district faculty, accruing
from fines, penalties or forfeitures shall constitute
separate funds, out of which each district faculty
shall publicly offer standing rewards for the arrest
and conviction of offenders against this Act. |
How fines are
to be applied. |
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That it shall be
the duty of the Judges of the several County
Courts of this State, and of the Criminal Court of
Baltimore City, to give this Act in charge of the
grand juries of their respective courts. |
Duty of Judges
of Courts. |
Sec. 16. And be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That every person who shall
knowingly advertise, print, publish, distribute or
circulate, or knowingly cause to be advertised,
printed, published, distributed or circulated, any
pamphlet, printed paper, book, newspaper, notice,
advertisement or reference containing words or |
Liable to im-
prisonment in
the Penitenti-
ary or fined. |