From |
for the same; provided, however, that if he can
prove that he has attended the last preceding an-
nual election of Examiners, he shall pay only two
dollars into the Treasury of the Board. |
No person al-
lowed to prac-
tice without
license. |
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That after the
election of the aforesaid permanent Medical Board,
no person shall be permitted to practice medicine,
surgery, or obstetrics find receive payment for his
services, without leaving first obtained a license
certified as directed by this law, under a penalty
of one hundred dollars for each offense. |
Not allowed
to practice in
the name of
another. |
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That no person not
authorized by this Act to practice medicine, surge-
ry, or obstetrics, shall be permitted to practice any
of those branches in the name or as the partner of
any other person or persons whatsoever, and that
no person or persona authorized by this Act to
practice medicine, surgery, or obstetrics in this
State shall be permitted to associate with any per-
son or persons, not authorized by tills Act to prac-
tice medicine, surgery, or obstetrics under a |
Proviso, |
penalty of one hundred dollars; provided always,
that nothing herein contained shall be construed
so as to prevent any bona fide student of medicine
actually attached to the office of an authorized
practitioner from aiding or assisting his Precep-
tor. |
not allowed to
practice. |
Sec. 10. And be it enacted. That no person re-
siding out of this State, shall be permittee to prac-
tice medicine, surgery, or obstetrics, within this
State, without being subject to the same regula-
tions, and liable to the same penalties imposed on |
Proviso. |
persons resident in tins State; provided, however,
that nothing herein contained shall be construed
to prohibit any bona fide graduate of a respectable
medical college in the United States, during his
actual residence in any other State, when specially
gent for, to come into any part of this State, and
administer or prescribe medicine, or perform any
kind of surgical operation. |
Unlawful to
produce abor-
tion. |
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That no person shall
be allowed to produce abortion at any stage of
pregnancy, by prescribing medicines, or by any
other means, under a penalty of one thousand
dollars, and six months imprisonment in addition |