and subscribe before the said Clerk of the Circuit
Court the oath of office taken by the Judges of
Election before proceeding to act as such. |
Sec. 105. And be it enacted, The first election
under this law shall be certified to the said Clerk
of said court, who shall notify in writing the per-
sons elected, of the fact of their election, in such
form as he may judge best, and such notice shall
be recorded in the book the said Commissioners so
elected shall provide for recording their proceed-
ings, and shall preface the same; thereafter all
elections shall be certified to them by the judge or
judges thereof and such record be made thereof as
they may direct, for the proper showing of their
succession. |
Clerk to no-
tify the per-
sons elected. |
Sec. 106. And be it enacted. The Commissioners
of the said town shall take and subscribe before
the Clerk of the Circuit Court the oath of office
required by law, shall hold their office for one
year from the day of election and until their suc-
cessors be elected and qualified, and in the event
of a vacancy by death, resignation or refusal to
serve, the survivors, at the next regular meeting,
shall elect a member of the board to serve until
the next election, who shall take the same oath as
other commissioners. |
Oath of Of-
fice to be ta-
ken. |
Sec. 107. And be it enacted, The said Commis-
sioners may meet as often as occasion may require,
and shall have full power to make such laws and
ordinances for the corporation as they may judge
equitable and expedient for the health, convenience
and prosperity of the town and its inhabitants,
and may prevent the erection of, or may remove
nuisances which endangers the health or morals of
the town. |
ers—power and
duties of. |
Sec. 108. And be it enacted, The said Commis-
sioners shall have power to appoint a Bailiff and
Clerk, and award such compensation as they may
judge right for services required. |
Bailiff and
Clerk to be ap-
pointed. |
Sec. 109. And be it enacted, The bailiff shall
have power to serve process as other officers of the
law, and shall have all the power of a constable
for the preservation of order and the arrest of
offenders against the law, and may act as collect-
ing officer as other constables do, and he shall be |
Power of
Bailiff. |