CHAPTER 183. |
Passed Mar.
13, 1867. |
AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Princess
Anne in Somerset County, Maryland. |
Sections re-
pealed. |
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That sections one hundred and two,
one hundred and three, one hundred and four, and
all sections to one hundred and thirty-six inclusive
of the nineteenth article of the Code of Public
Local Laws, entitled Somerset County, sub-title,
Princess Anne, be and are hereby repealed, and the
following enacted in their stead : |
—power and
privileges. |
Sec. 102. And be it enacted, The inhabitants of
the Town of Princess Anne in Somerset County
are hereby made and declared a body corporate,
with all the privileges of a body corporate, by the
name of the Commissioners of Princess Anne, and
by that name may sue and be sued, have and use
a common seal, and have perpetual succession. |
Elections to
be held. |
Sec. 103. And be it enacted, The free male white
citizens of said Town who have resided therein six
months preceding any election, and all free male
white citizens residing in the county of Somerset
and owning real estate within the said Town limits
shall, on the third Monday in March in each year,
(beginning with the third Monday of March 1867,)
elect five persons to be the Commissioners of the
Town as aforesaid, which persons to be eligible
must have resided in the State one year and within
the Town limits six months. |
First election
—where held. |
Sec. 104. And be it enacted. The first election
under this Act shall be held at the Court House of
said county, and the judges thereof shall be three
in number and be designated and appointed by the
clerk of the circuit court for Somerset county, who
shall swear them as other judges of election are
sworn and require them to sign the test-book as
other officers of said county are required to do,
and thereafter the place of holding the election,
and as the judge or judges as the Commissioners
of said Town shall decide, shall be such as the
said Commissioners may designate, but the judge
or judges of election appointed by them shall take |