—power and
privileges. |
SECTION 1. Belt enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Oliver F. Lantz, J. G. Cockey,
George T. Sadtler, William Reese, John L. Law-
ton, Joseph K. Milson, F. 11. Meginnes, J. Frank
Getty, Philip C. Horn, W. A. Cunningham,
Berry Price, R. W. Maccubbin, Thomas Shields,
together with the subscribers to the stock of the
Association, and their successors, shall be, and
they are hereby declared to be, a body politic and
corporate by the name and style of the President
and Directors of the Carroll Fire Insurance Com-
pany of Baltimore, and by that name shall have
perpetual succession and be capable in law to sue
and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and
be answered, defend and be defended in all Courts
of law and equity or elsewhere, to make and use a
common seal, and the same to alter or renew at
their pleasure, and generally to do and perform
all things relative to the objects of this Institution
which now is or shall be lawful for any individual
or body politic or corporate to do. |
Capital stock
limited. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital
stock of this Company shall consist of a sum not ex-
ceeding five hundred thousand dollars, divided into
one hundred thousand shares of five dollars each, one
dollar on each share to ho paid at the time of sub-
scribing, one dollar on each share in sixty days
thereafter, and the remaining three dollars on each |