Davis, Joseph Ratcliff, Maurice T. Starr, Dawson
V. Hammond, Henry Swope and Francis S. Jones
of Frederick county, and their successors, the lot
of land and improvements thereon in said town,
which said lot of land was conveyed by deed to
Thomas Warfield and others, trustees, for the pur-
pose of erecting a house of worship thereon, by
John Glisan and Philip Hines, and which said
Thomas Warfield and others were incorporated as
trustees of the Union Church of Liberty Town by
an act of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-nine, chapter eighty-nine, and which said
trustees of the Union Church of Liberty Town in
Frederick County, are the successors of the said
Thomas Warfield and others, and hold the title
and control of the said property. |
Sec. 2. And be it hereby enacted. That the said
Thomas M. Wilson, Adam W. Devilbiss, Daniel
Sweadner, Mahlon Davis, Joseph Ratcliff, Maurice
T. Starr, Dawson V. Hammond, Henry Swope and
Francis S. Jones, and their successors, shall hold
the said property, for the use of the Methodist
Protestant Church in Liberty in Frederick county
in the Maryland district, according to the law, dis-
cipline and usages of the said church, and they are
hereby constituted a body corporate and politic for
the uses and purposes of this act, and in their name
and style of Liberty Methodist Protestant Church,
they shall have power to sue and be sued, implead
and beimpleaded in any court or before any justice
of the peace of this State. |
—power and
privileges. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever the
said church or property to be conveyed as afore-
said, shall not be in the use or occupation of the
said Methodist Protestant Church, for worship or
for prayer or class meetings, sunday school or other
purposes, according to the usages of the said
church, the same may be used by any other Evan-
gelical denomination of Christians, under the di-
rection and regulation of the said Methodist Pro-
testant Church, or the trustees aforesaid. |
For what pur-
poses it may he
used. |
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Thomas
M. Wilson, Adam Devilbiss and Daniel Sweadner
shall hold their office of trustees for one year, that |
long to hold. |