ers and franchises as if the same had been acquired and con-
structed under its original charter and supplements thereto.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President and
Directors of the Cumberland and Pennsylvania Rail Road
Company be and they are hereby authorized and empowered
to increase the Capital Stock of said company an half million
of dollars, and to treat and consider said Stock, or so much
thereof as said President and Directors may consider right
and proper, as fully paid for by the Rail Road and its appen-
dages and rolling stock, purchased as aforesaid from the
George's Creek Coal and Iron Company, and by its branch
Rail Road constructed up Neff's Run, and the branch Rail
Road constructed up Winebrenner's Run, and the rolling
stock and equipments, placed by said Company upon its road
since its first organization, (all of which, as is represented to
this General Assembly, including said branch Rail Roads,
have been added by said company to its property since the is-
sue of stock under its original charter;) and that the said Pre-
sident and Directors may cause any portion of said increased
Stock, which they may not deem proper to treat and consider,
as fully paid for, as aforesaid, to be taken and subscribed for
under such regulations and upon such notice, as they may
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
WE certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an Act
which passed the General Assembly of Maryland, January
26th, 1864.
Chief Clerk House of Delegates.
Sect. Senate.