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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3984   View pdf image (33K)
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Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the branch road heretofore constructed along the
line of Neff's Run, in the county of Allegany, by the Cum-
berland and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, is confirmed
and declared to be as legal and valid in all respects, as if the
power to construct the same had been in express terms con-
ferred by the Act entitled, an Act amendatory of the Act en-
titled, an Act to incorporate the Cumberland and Pennsyl-
vania Bail Road Company, passed at January session, 1856.
And said company is hereby authorized to extend the said
road, or any of the branches thereof to any other mine or
mines, in the valley of George's Creek, any thing in said Act
to the contrary notwithstanding.


I, William A. Spencer, Clerk of the Court of Appeals of
Maryland, do hereby certify, that the aforegoing is a tull and
true copy of the Act of the General Assembly of Maryland,
of which it purports to be a copy, as taken from the Original
Engrossed Bill, deposited in, and belonging to the Office of
the said Court of Appeals of Maryland.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand as
Clerk, and affixed the seal of the said Court of Appeals, this
twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. 1860.


An Act to confirm the Purchase of the Rail Road of the George's
Creek Coal and Iron Company, by the Cumberland and Penn-
sylvania Bail Soad Company, and to authorize said Compa-
ny to increase its Capitol Stock.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the purchase, by the Cumberland and Pennsylva-
nia Rail Road Company in October, eighteen hundred and
sixty-three, of the Rail Road of the George's Creek Coal and
Iron Company, and its appendages, leading from its junction
with the Cumberland and Pennsylvania Rail Road, near the
village of Lonaconing, in Allegany County, to the Baltimore
and Ohio Rail Road, at Piedmont, Virginia, be and the same
is hereby confirmed; and that the said Cumberland and Penn-
sylvania Rail Road Company, be and it is hereby authorized
and empowered to have, hold, use, manage, work and control
said road and all its appendages, including road bed and rolling
stock, purchased asaforsaid, and with the same rights, pow-.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3984   View pdf image (33K)
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