That in District No. 13, a-numberr of fraudulent and doubly
folded tickets were voted and counted with your names on
To substantiate the foregoing fact, said Respondents will
introduce the following witness: James Chisholm, 8r.,
Samuel W. Friend, James W. FarloW, Joseph M. Koeraer,
Joseph Friend, George W. Wilson, M. G. Harvey, John
H. Stallings, Nathaniel B. Harvey, William W. Ashby,
Levi W. Brant, Jacob Abemathy, W. A. Falkenstine,
Griffen Swigg, Beckwith Shrout, J. G. Browing, Hansou B.
Friend, George 8. Lee, John W. Sellers, A. Jackson Clark,
M. S. Biggs, Alexander Kitzmiller, Henry Davis, Lloyd
Stallings, John W. Irons, William R. Sellers, Ebenezer Kitz-
miller, William Harvey, James W. Harvey, Philip Doffert,
Archibald Chisholm, John Riley, James M. Mathews, James
W. White, Upton F. Biggs, Noah Harvey, John S. Lee,
William Bray, Daniel Chisholm, William H. Hoye, Henry
Thompson, David Kent and John Brady.
To William Devecmon, Patrick Sammill, William A. Brydon
and John McElfish, Contestants:
Gentlemen:—You are hereby notified that the undersigned,
Justice of the Peace, in and for Allegany county, Maryland,
will on Friday and Saturday, the 4th and 5th days of Janu-
ary, 1867, at Henry Davis' Hotel in the town of Oakland, in
said Allegany county, at 10 o'clock, A. M., take and hear,
testimony oa the part of Respondents, touching the matters
and facts stated in the foregoing paper, at which times and
place you and each of you are notified to be present in person
or by Attorney.
J. M. STRONG, A Justice Of the
Peace in and for Allegany county.