William Devecmon, Patrick
Hammill, John McElfish,
and William A. Brydon,
Samuel M. Haller, Charles
Gilpin, William R. Mc-
Culley & Daniel C. Bruce,
In a matter of contest of the
election held on the 6th day
of November, 1866, in Alle-
gany county, Maryland, for
Members of the House of Dele-
To Messrs. William Devecmon, Patrick Hammill, John McEl-
fish and Wittiam A. Brydon, Contestants:
You are hereby, respectfully notified that the undersigned
respondents, to sustain the issues on their part joined in this
case, will prove by competent testimony that every qualified
voter in said Allegany county, offering and wishing to vote for
you at the election held in November, 1866, was permitted to
do so freely, and that the Judges of the Election, in the sev-
eral Election Districts in said Allegany county, refused to re-
ceive the ballots of no person or persons, except such as re-
fused to take the oath set forth in section 4, Article 1, of the
Constitution of the State of Maryland, which said Judges of
Election in their discretion saw fit to require them to take
prior to receiving their ballots.
That the armed men spoken of in your testimony in this
case, did not intimidate, or hinder any voter or voters from
casting his, or their ballot for you, or either of you, and that
said men had with them such ordinary weapons as are usually
carried on public occasions in that section of the county; and
that they made no offensive or hostile use of said weapons
whatever, and that they intended to make no other use of
them than to defend themselves from an armed attack which
they were advised was to be made upon them and the loyal
voters of District No. ~\.Q, in said county, by armed men from
Virginia, on the election day in November last.
That the election, or polls in District No. 1, was held at
the place advertised by the Sheriff of Allegany county, for it
to be held.
That by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Mary-
land, none of those persons whose Totes were rejected at the
election on the 6th of November, 1866, by the Judges of elec-
tion, were entitled to vote in Allegany county, Maryland
That the Judges of the election in District No. 7, were in-
timidated and overawed, and made to receive illegal tickets
with your names upon them.