I, Joseph M. Strong, a Justice of the Peace, in and for Al-
legany county and State of Maryland, do hereby certify, that
on the 26th day of December, in the year 1866; I did appoint
George S. R. Know, of the city of Cumberland, to write down
and to inscribe the depositions to be taken in this case, and
did at the same time administer to him an oath in due form
of law, for the faithful discharge of the duties of such ap-
pointment; and I do further certify, that under that part of
Article 35, of the Code of Public General Laws of the State
of.Maryland, which relates to "Contested Elections;" I did
on the following days in December, in the year 1866, herein-
after mentioned in the city of Cumberland, take the following
depositions on the part of the contestants and respondents,
respectively as will appear hereinafter returned. The form-
alities of time being waved as to depositions to be taken on
either side in said city of Cumberland, as will appear from a
memoranda, marked "Exhibit No. 1," hereto returned.
William Devecmon, Patrick
Hammill, Wm. A. Bry-
den, John McElfish, Con-
Samuel M. Haller, Charles
Gil pin, Wm. R. McCul-
ley, Daniel C. Bruce, Re-
In a matter of contest of
an election for Members of
the House of Delegates, for
Allegany connty, Maryland,
held on the 6th day of No-
vember, in the year 1866.
With a view to economy, it is hereby agreed between'the
above parties, that either side may take testimony in the city
of Cumberland, and up to 1st day of January 1867, without
the formality of notice.
Attorney for Contestants.
Attorney for Respondents.
December 26, 1866.