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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 2553   View pdf image (33K)
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The hill entitled, an Act to repeal sub-section 2 of the
Act of 1864, chapter 109, entitled, an Act to amend the 37th
article of the Public General Laws, by repealing the 1st, 2d,
3d, 4th, and 5th sections of said article, relating to the com-
petency of witnesses and inserting in said article in lieu of
the sections so repealed the following sections, relating to
the competency of witnesses and the examination of parties;

Which was read a first time.

Mr. Kerr, from a Select Committee, reported unfavorably the
petition of citizens of Dorchester county, praying the pass?
age of an Act to authorize the commissioners of said county
to construct a bridge over Slaughters Creek at Gadd's Ferry;

Which was concurred in,

And the committee was discharged from the further con-
sideration of the same.

Mr. Dawson, from Select Committee, reported unfavorably
the petition of A. J. Willis and others, asking the passage
of a law to prevent the running at large of hogs in Potter's
Landing and vicinity;

Which was concurred in;

And the committee discharged from the further considera-
tion of the same.

The Secretary of the senate delivered the bill entitled, an
Act to revise and amend an Act entitled, an Act to incor-
porate the Queen Anne's and Kent county Railroad Com-
pany, passed on the 8th day of March, 1856,

Also, the bill entitled, an Act for the incorporation of
Olive Branch Lodge, No. 104 of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows.

Which were severally read a first time and referred to the
Committee on Corporations

Also, the bill entitled, an Act to repeal sections 1, 2, and
3, added to article 41 of the Code of Public General Laws,
by chapter 71, enacted February 11th, 1864.

The bill entitled, an Act to repeal the Act passed at Jan-
uary session, 1865, chapter 114, entitled, an Act to repeal
the 10th section of Article eleven of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws relating to the oath of Attorneys and other prac-
titioners of law, and to enact a substitute therefor, and to re-
peal the 10th section of the 11th Article of the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws, title "Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in
fact," sub-title "Attorneys at Law," and to enact a sec-
tion in lieu of said tenth section.

Also, the bill entitled, an Act to repeal an Act entitled, an
Act to authorize and empower the Commissioners appointed
by the Circuit Court of Queen Anne's county to divide the


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 2553   View pdf image (33K)
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