Also, leave was granted the Committee on Corporations to
report a bill to incorporate the Franklin Manufacturing Com-
pany of Wetheredville, Baltimore county;
Also, leave was granted the Committee on Ways and Means
to report a bill for the relief of the securities of John M.
On motion of Mr. McCulloh,
Leave was granted the Committee on Corporations to re-
report a bill to incorporate the Pensylvania and Potomac
Railroad Company.
On motion of Burche,
Leave was granted the Committee on the Judiciary to re-
port a bill to repeal sec. 57, Art. 5 of the Code of Public
General Laws, and to re-enact the same with amendments.
On motion of Mr. Dawson,
Leave was granted the Caroline and Dorchester Delegations
to introduce a bill to incorporate Howard Lodge, No, 119, of
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Caroline county.
On motion of Mr. Smith,
Leave was granted the Committee on Corporations to report
a bill to incorporate the Marion Fire Insurance Company of
On motion of Mr. Lindsey,
Leave was granted the Committee on Corporations to in-
troduce a bil entitled, an Act to amend the 4th section of the
Act of 1860, chapter 349, entitled, an Act to incorporate the
United Cities Land Company.
Mr. Clarke, Chairman Committee on Claims reported fa-
vorably a bill entitled, an Act to authorize the Treasurer of
the State of Maryland, to refund to Lewis Magruder, Collec-
tor of State and county tax for 1862, for Prince George's
county, a sum of money erroneously paid by him.
Mr. Evans from Committee on Judiciary reported favorably
a bill entitled, an Act to add a section to Article 75 of the
Code of Public General Laws entitled, Pleadings. Practice
and Process, to enable parties to plead over without with-
drawing their demurrer.
Also, a bill entitled, an Act to amend and re-enact section
52 of Article 8, of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating
to the time of holding the terms of the Ciicuit Court for Cecil
Also, a bill entitled, an Act to amend and re-enact section
23, of Article 12, of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating
to the time of holding the terms of the Circuit Court for
Harford county.