Mr. Thomas, submitted the following:
February 7th, 1867.
Ordered, That the Trustees of St. Johns' College report
to this House, distinctly and categorically, answers to the
following interrogatories:
First, What is the salary of the Principal of the said insti-
tution, and what are the other free privileges connected there-
with ? When was he appointed, and when did his salary
commence ? What branches is he appointed to, and required
to teach, and what is he actually engaged in teaching, and
what time is he daily employed therein ? Has he any other
engagements or employments than those immediately con-
nected with his duties as Principal ?
Second, Is there a vice-Principal, or acting vice-Principal,
and by what and whose authority was he appointed ? Is the
Faculty composed of all tha professors and teachers, named
in the College circular, published as having been appointed
during the past summer ? If not, how many compose the
existing Faculty, and at what time, and how were they, in
whole, or in part appointed ? What is the salary of each
professor, and what his other free privileges ? What branches
do they severally, actually teach, and what time is each daily
employed in teaching, and when did the salary of each com-
mence? Have any of them been, or are they now engaged in
any employments not directly connected with their duties in
the College ? and if so, by whose authority or permission did
they engage in such employments ? How many of the pupils
are paying scholars? How many are beneficiaries, and
where are they from, and by whom, and by what authority,
were they taken into the College?
Third. What is the number of pupils in the institution
since its present organization ? How many are from Anna-
polis and Anne Arundel County, and how many are from
the other, and what counties of the State ? How many are
pursuing the branches usually taught in a school, or a pre-
paratory department, and how many are exclusively so far
advanced as to be qualified to pursue the studies usually
pursued by under graduates in other colleges. Are there
(and how many are there) pupils now in the institution who
will complete such a full course of the languages and other
sciences within the next one, two or three years, as will en-
title them, under the charter, to Degrees of Bachelors of
Art? Are there College Commons provided, and how many
pupils are accommodated there .
Fourth. What was the amount of money paid by the Quar-
termaster-General's Department for the use of the College