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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 1850   View pdf image (33K)
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The question being on the first branch of the proposition,
relating to the printing of the Governor's Message;

It was decided in the affirmative.

The question recuring upon the second branch, in relation
to printing fifteen thousand copies of the accompanying docu-

It was decided in the negative.

Mr. Boswell submitted the following amendment:

Ordered, That 10,000 copies of the Report of the Superinten-
dent of Public Schools be printed in the English Language,
and 5,000 copies in the German Language; and 10,000 copies
of the proceedings of the investigation and removals of the
Commissioners of Police of the city of Baltimore be print-
ed in the English Language, and 5,000 copies in the German
Language, to be translated by Frederick Raine of Baltimore,
for the use of the Members of this House ;

Which was rejected.

The question recuring upon the amendment of Mr. Knott,
to strike out the words, "accompanying documents;"

It was decided in the affirmative.
The order as amended was then adopted.
On motion of Mr. Ford,

Ordered, That the State Librarian furnish the two report-
ers of the Baltimore press on the floor of the House, with the
same stationery supplied to the members.

OB motion of Mr. Davis, of Baltimore city,

Ordered, That it be entered.on the Journal that Wm. Tell
Bixler, of Baltimore city, is absent from his seat on account
of sickness.

On motion of Mr. Baker,

Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal of this House
that William Gorsuch is absent from his seat on account of
family affliction.

On motion of Mr. Morgan,

Ordered, That it be entered on the Journal that Mr
Davis, of Charles county, is absent from his seat in this
House in consequence of indisposition.

On motion of Mr. Smith,

Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instruc-
ted to inquire into the expediency of procuring a new compi-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 1850   View pdf image (33K)
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