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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 1849   View pdf image (33K)
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January 4th, 1867.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:

We have received your message proposing the appointment
of a Joint Committee of five members on the part of your
House, and five on the part of the Senate, to prepare and re-
port a bill for the call of a Constitutional Convention, and ap-
pointing on the part of your Honorable Body, Messrs. Carmi-
chael, Phelps, Knott, Bixler and Morgan.

We respectfully concur in the object of your message, and
have appointed on the part of the Senate, Messrs. Bowie,
Kimmel, Vickers, Maddox and Brodwater.

By order,


Which was read.

Mr. Neilson presented a memorial from citizens of the sixth
ward of Baltimore city, in relation to the Mayoralty Elec-

Which was read, and referred to the Baltimore city Dele-

The Speaker laid before the House the sixth annual report
of the trustees of the Baltimore Female College;

Which was read, and referred to the Committee on Educa-

Also, the following report of the Treasurer of Maryland:
[See Document C.]

Which was read, and referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means.

Mr. Knott moved to re-consider the order adopted on Fri-
day for the printing of twenty-five thousand copies of the
Governor's Message and accompanying documents;

Decided in the affirmative.

. Mr. Knott moved to strike out the words, "and accompany-
ing documents."

Mr. Boswell moved to amend by inserting "twenty thous-
and copies of the Governor's Message in English, and five
thousand in German, and fifteen thousand copies of the ac-
companying documents;

Mr. Knott called for a division of the question.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 1849   View pdf image (33K)
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