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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 1848   View pdf image (33K)
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Committee on Manufactures.—Messrs. Whittaker, Hoffhine,
Clarke, Pitts, Kerr, Gorsuch, Isreal.

Committee on Public Buildings.—Messrs. Calvert, Smith,
Phelps, Hall, Kraft, Haller, Appleman.

Committee on Public Records.—Messrs. Kraft, Hutchins,
Magruder, Horsey, Thomson, Gore, McCulley.

Committee on the Library.—Messrs. Phelps, Wilson, Gil-
pin, Knott, King, Dennis, Tobey.

Committee on Printing.—Messrs. Kerr, Neilson, Feig,
Jump, Burche, Gore, Hoffhine.

Committee on Insolvency.—Messrs. Davis, of Charles, Fla-
herty, Robson, Welch, Linthicum, Poole, Cameron.

Committee on Engrossed Bills and Resolutions.—Messrs.
Boswell, Aydelott, Welch, Horsey, Buhrman, Benton, Wil-

Committee on Expiring Laws.—Messrs. Magruder, Stevens,
Thomson, Pitts, Neal, Davis, of Baltimore city, Turner,

Committee on Federal Relations.—Messrs. Jones, Ham-
mond, Thomas, Carmichael, Evans, Buhrman, Bruce.

Committee on the Currency.—Messrs. Lankford, Whittaker,
Coleman, Appleman, Haller, Nelson, Steiner.

Committee on the Contingent Fund placed at the disposal of
the Executive.—Messrs. Thomson, Horsey, Hooper, Criswell,
Baker, Nicolai, Jump.

Committee on Roads and Highways.—Messrs. McCulloh,
Hutchins, Hutton, Whiteford, Parsons, Rouzer, Benton.

Also, the following Committee under the order of Mr.
Nicolai, for distributing the several matters contained in the
Governor's Message and accompanying documents to appro-
priate Committees :

Messrs. Nicolai, Thomson, Williams, Gilpin, Buhrman.

The Speaker laid before the House a memorial from Thomas
Devecman, William N. Bryden, John McElfish and Patrick
Hammill, contesting the election of Wm. R. McCully, Samuel
M. Haller, Daniel C Bruce and Charles Gilpin, to seats in
the House of Delegates, with accompanying testimony.

On motion of Mr. Buhrman,

The memorial and testimony were referred to the Commit-
tee on Elections, and 250 copies ordered to be printed.

[See Document B.]

The Secretary of the Senate deliverd the following mess-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 1848   View pdf image (33K)
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