Evans, Magruder, Appleman, and Boswell, to join the gentle-
men who may be appointed by your Honorable Body.
By order,
Which was read, assented to, and sent to the Senate.
On motion of Mr. Neilson,
Leave was granted the Baltimore City Delegation to report
a bill, to provide tor the election of Comptroller of the City of
Also, leave was granted the Committee on Militia, (here-
after to be appointed,) to report a bill, entitled, an Act to re-
peal Article sixty-three, Code of Public General Laws,
relating to Militia, and Sections 652, to 770, both inclusive,
of Article 4, Code of Public Local Laws, relating to Militia
in the City of Baltimore, and to re-enact said Article 63, with
On motion of Mr. Aydelott,
Leave was granted the Committee on Corporations, (here-
after to b» appointed,) to report a bill, entitled, an Act to in-
corporate the Worcester and Somerset Rail Road Company.
On motion of Mr. Stevens,
Leave was granted the Baltimore city delegation, to re-
port a bill entitled, an Act to provide for the running of the
Baltimore city passenger Railway cars on the Sabbath, sup-
plementary to an Act, entitled an Act, to incorporate the
Baltimore city Passenger Railway Company, passed Feb. 13,
1862, chapter 71.
On motion of Mr. King,
Leave was granted the Committee on the Judiciary, (here-
after to be appointed,) to report a bill entitled, an Act to
amend section 74 and 75, of Article seventy-five of the Code
of Public General Laws, entitled pleadings, practice and pro-
cess, and to add a new section to said Article, so as to pro-
vide for the removal of causes.
On motion of Mr. Jump,
Leave was granted the Talbot county delegation, to report
a bill to authorise the Governor to appoint an additional
Justice of the Peace for Talbot county.
On motion of Mr. Nicolai,
Leave was granted the Baltimore county delegation, to re-
port a bill for the restoration of the records, indexes, dockets,
and papers destroyed, or injured by fire in the office of the
Clerk of the Circuit court for Baltimore county,
On motion of Mr. Lankford,