Mr. Bruce moved that the House do now adjourn;
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Boswell submitted the following resolutions :
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland^ That in
their judgment the policy heretofore announced, and up to
this time consistently maintained by the President of the
United States, upon the question of the right of the excluded
Southern States to their Constitutional Representation in Con-
gress, is just, wise and statesmanlike, and is the only mode by
which the Union as created and recognised by the Constitution,
can be restored.
Resolved, That the General Assembly recognizes in the
action of His Excellency Thomas Swann in support of this
policy of the President of the United States, and in the just
and liberal execution by him of the existing Registry Law
of this State, a concurrence with the sentiments of a great
majority of the people of this State, and a proper recognition
of their inalienable right to participate in its Government by
the exercise of the elective franchise;
Which were read the first time.
Mr. Ford moved to refer the resolutions to the Committee
on Federal Relations, hereafter to be appointed;
Decided in the negative.
On motion of Mr. Phelps,
The House adjourned until to-morrow at 12 o'clock.
FRIDAY, January 4, 1867.
The House met, and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr, Leach.
Present at the call of the roll the following members:
Messrs. Miller, Speaker, Appleman, Aydelott, Baker, Beck,
Benton, Bishop, Bixler, Boswell, Bruce, Buhrman, Burche,
Calvert, Cameron, Carmichael, Clarke, Coleman, Criswell,
Davis, of Baltimore city, Davis, of Charles, Dawson, Evans,
Ford, Gilpin, Gordy, Gorsuch, Hammond, Button, Hoffhine,
Hooper, Horsey, Hutchins, Israel, Jump, Kerr, King, Knott,
Kraft, Lankford, Lindsey, Linthicum, Magraw, Magruder,
McCulley, McCulloh, Morgan, Neale, Neilson, Nelson, Nico-