On motion of Mr. Phelps,
Leave was granted a Select Committee of nine to report a
bill, to take the sense of the people of this State, for and
against the call of a Convention to form a new Constitution.
On motion of Mr. Stephens,
Ordered, That the Speaker appoint a Committee of five on
Rules, and that the Rules and Orders of the last House'of
Delegates be accepted for the government of this House until
said Committee report.
On motion of Mr. Hall,
Ordered, That the Rev. Mr. Leach, the Rev. Mr. Hender-
son, the Rev. Mr. Hammond and the Rev. Mr. McNemar, be
and they are hereby appointed Chaplains for this House.
On motion of Mr. Calvert,
Ordered. That the Comptroller inform this House as soon
as possible, who have been the bidders for the State printing
under the contract system, including the State Convention
and the sessions of the Legislature of 1865, 1866 and 1867—
the names of the bidders for the respective years, and the
respective amounts paid for printing of Laws, Documents,
Bills and Journals of Proceedings of both branches of the
Legislature, including extra printing ordered. Also, the bills
and receipts of the contracting parties; copies of their bonds,
and of the proposals for said printing, and such other informa-
tion as will fully inform this House of the contract system for
printing, and the cost of the different branches of the same.
The Secretary of the Senate delivered the following mes-
January 3d, 1867.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates :
The President of the Senate being present, the Senate has
been organized by the appointment of Augustus Gassaway,
Esq., as Secretary. We are now ready to proceed with the
business of the Session, and propose with the concurrence of
your Honorable Body, the appointment of a Joint Committee
of five members, to wait on the Governor and inform him that
the Legislature is prepared to receive any communication he
may be pleased to make. We have appointed upon the part
of the Senate, Messrs. Earle and Tome.
By order,
Mr. Knott submitted the following message: