promote the union, prosperity and happiness of our common
On motion of Mr. Phelpe,
Ordered, That the following named Gentlemen be and
hereby are declared permanent Officers of this House:
Wm. R. Cole, of Baltimore city, Chief Clerk; Thomas H.
Moore, Baltimore county, Reading Clerk; Samuel F. Butler,
Baltimore county, Sergeant-at-Arms: Joseph C. Mitchell,
Baltimore city, Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms; Daniel Kent, of
Calvert county, M. Henry Fooks, Worcester county, John H.
Woodward, Baltimore city, James W. Jeffers, Queen Anne's
county, Philip Medders, Kent county, Elias Ware, Baltimore
city, Levin Handy, Somerset county, Committee Clerks; Q.
W. Ratcliffe, of Baltimore city, Folder; Esma Lowe, Caro-
line county, and Daniel E. Diggs, Baltimore city, Assistant
Folders; James D. Cook, Howard county, Postmaster; Samuel
Kerby, Baltimore city, Assistant Postmaster; Charles Worth-
ington Harford county, Doorkeeper, A. S. Cooper, Baltimore
county and Albert Tolson. Prince George's county, Assistant
Doorkeeper; Edward Marshall, Dorchester county, F. Mid-
dleton, Charles county, J. V. Baxter, Baltimore city, R. H.
Bogly, Montgomery county, John McCabe, Jr., Anne Arun-
del county, W. G. Jones, Cecil county, Pages; James H.
Ridgway, of Talbot county, Lamplighter; Z. Tippett, St.
Mary's county, Keeper of Committee Rooms.
On motion of Mr. Ford,
Ordered, That the thanks of this House are hereby tendered
to the Hon. Francis P. Phelps, for his dignified and courte-
ous discharge of the duties of temporary Chairman of this
On motion of Mr. Smith,
Mr. Ford, of Baltimore County, administered the oath of
office to the Speaker.
The members and officers present were then severally quali-
fied by the Speaker, by taking the oath of office prescribed by
the Constitution.
On motion of Mr. Thomas,
Leave was granted a Select Committee of nine to report a
bill, to restore to full citizenship, and the right to vote and hold
office, all persons who may be deprived thereof by the provi-
sions contained in the Fourth Section of the First Article of
the Constitution of this State.
On motion of Mr. Neilson,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore City delegation to re-
port a bill, to change the time of election for Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore.