Mr. Bowie asked and obtained leave to report a bill to re-
peal the Act of 1862, chapter 106, relating to the punishment
of Negroes.
Mr. Henkle submitted the following message:
January 4th, 1867.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:
We respectfully inform you that the Senate has appointed
the Rev. Mr. Cassady as Chaplain.
We propose an interchange of services with the gentlemen
who may be appointed by your Honorable Body.
By order,
Which was read, assented to and sent to the House of Dele-
On motion of Mr. Earle,
Leave was granted Messrs. Earle, Vickers and Bowie, to
report by bill, or otherwise, an appropriation to pay penalties,
and defray expenses which Judges of this State may incur
and be put to by reason of decisions rendered by them in
cases arising under the Civil Rights bill.
On motion of Mr. Kimmel,
Leave was granted to the Senators from Baltimore city,
report a bill to repeal the 4th, 7th, 15th, 16th and 20th, sections
of the fourth Article of the Public Local Laws of the city of
Baltimore, relating to the qualifications of electors in said
city, and regulating the time for holding elections for Mayor
and Members of the City Council, and the terms of and the
time for entering upon the duties of said offices, and to re-
enact the same with amendments.
On motion of Mr. Stephenson,
It was ordered, that the Sergeant-at-arms and Post Master
of the Senate keep the committee room adjoining the Senate
Chamber clear of all persons who have no official business
with the Senate, or who are not invited by the President or a
member of the Senate to the same.
On motion of Mr. Earle,
Leave was granted to Messrs. Earle, Jump and Waters, to
report a bill to amend an Act entitled, "an Act to empower
the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's county, to levy
the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, on the taxable pro-
perty of the county, to pay J. G. Strong, for copies of a map
of said county, which he is about to publish, on the scale of