second year thereafter; and the qualification for electors of
the members of the City Council shall be the same as those
prescribed for the electors of Mayor.
[SEC. 3. An election for members of the First Branch of
the City Council of Baltimore shall be held in the city of Bal-
timore on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November in
every year; and. for members of the Second Branch on the
Tuesday after the first Monday of November, eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-nine, and on the same day in every second
year thereafter; and the qualification for electors of the mem-
bers of the City Council shall be the same as those prescribed
for the electors of Mayor.] *
SEC. 4. The regular sessions of the City Council of Balti-
more (which shall be annual) shall commence on the third
Monday of January of each year, and shall not continue more '
than ninety days, exclusive of Sundays; but the Mayor may
convene the City Council in extra session whenever, and as
often as it may appear to him that the public good may re-
quire, but no called or extra session shall last longer than
twenty days, exclusive of Sundays.
SEC. 5. No person elected and qualified as Mayor, or as a
member of the City Council, shall, daring the term for which
he was elected, hold any other office of profit Of trust, cre-
ated or to be created by the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, or by any law relating to the corporation of Baltimore,
or hold any employment or position, the compensation of
which shall be paid, directly or indirectly, out of the city
treasury; nor shall any such person be interested, directly or
indirectly, in any contract to which the city is a party; nor
shall it be lawful for any person holding any office, under the
city, to be interested, while holding such office, in any con-
tract to which the city is a party.
SEC. 6. The Mayor shall, on conviction in a court of law,
of willful neglect of duty, or misbehavior in office, be removed
from office by the Governor of the State, and a successor shall
thereafter be elected, as in a case of vacancy.
SEC. 7. From and after the adoption of this Constitution,
no debt (except as hereinafter excepted) shall be created by
the Mayor and. City Council of Baltimore; nor shall the credit
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be given or
loaned to, or in aid of any individual, association, or corpor-
ation; nor shall the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
~have the power to involve the city of Baltimore in the con-
struction of works of internal improvement, nor in granting
any aid thereto, which shall involve the faith and credit of
*Thus amended by the Act of 1888, Chapter 397. Further amended by Act
( 1868. Chapter 128.