the city, nor make any appropriation therefor, unless such
debt or credit be authorized by an Act of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, and by an ordinance of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, submitted to the legal voters of the city
of Baltimore, at such time and place as may be fixed by said
ordinance, and approved by a majority of the votes cast at
such time and place; but the Mayor and City Council may,
temporarily, borrow any amount of money to meet any defi-
ciency in the city treasury, or to provide for any emergency
arising from the necessity of maintaining the police, or pre-
serving the safety and sanitary condition of the city, and may
make due and proper arrangements and agreements for the
removal and extension, in whole OF in part, of any and all
debts and obligations created according to law before the
.adoption of this Constitution.
Mayor, etc., of Balto. vs. Gill, 31 Md., 375. Pumphrey vs. Mayor &
C. C. of Baltimore, 47 Md., 145. Balto. City vs. Gorter, 93 Md., 1.
Bond vs. M. & C. C. of Balto., 116 Md. P., B.&W. By. vs. M.& C. C. of
Balto., 121 Md.
SEC. 8. All laws and ordinances now in force applicable to
the city of Baltimore, not inconsistent with this Article, shall
be, and they are hereby continued until changed in due course
of law.
. Hooper vs. New, 85 Md., 565.
SEC. 9. The General Assembly may make such changes in
this Article, except in Section 7th thereof, as it may deem
beat; and this Article shall not be so construed or taken as to
make the political corporation of Baltimore independent of,
or free from the control which the General Assembly of Mary-
land has over all such corporations in this State.
Pumphrey vs. Mayor, etc., of Balto., 47. Md., 145.
SECTION 1. On demand of the Mayor of Baltimore and City
Council of the City of Baltimore, or on petition bearing the
signatures of not less than 20 per cent of the registered voters
of said city or any county (provided, however, that in any
cask 10,000 signatures shall be sufficient to complete a peti-
tion), the Board of Election Supervisors of said city or coun-
ty shall provide at the next general or Congressional election,
occurring after such demand or the filing of such petition, for
the election of a charter board of eleven registered voters of
Added by Chapter 416, 1914, ratified November 2, 1916.