abuses or irregularities which he may find to exist in any de-
partment of public affairs with Which his office is connected.
SEC. 7. The office hereby established shall continue for
four years from the date of the qualification of the first in-
cumbent thereof, and. shall then expire, unless continued by
the General Assembly.
SECTION 1. The inhabitants of the city of Baltimore quali-
fied to vote for members of the House of Delegates shall, on
the Tuesday next after the first Monday in May, eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-nine, and on the same day and month in every
fourth year thereafter, elect by ballot a person of known in-
tegrity, experience and sound judgment, over twenty-five years
of age, a citizen of the United States, and five years a resident
of said city next preceding the election, and assessed with
property in said city to the amount of two thousand dollars,
and who has paid taxes thereon for two years preceding his
election to be Mayor of the city of Baltimore; but the Mayor
chosen at the first election under this section shall not enter
upon the discharge of the duties of the office until the expira-
tion of the term for which the present Mayor was elected; un-
less the said office of Mayor shall become vacant by death,
resignation, removal from the State or other disqualification of
the present Mayor.*
SEC. 2. The City Council of Baltimore shall consist of two
branches, one of which shall be called the First Branch, and
the other the Second Branch, and each shall consist of such
numbers of members, having such qualification, receiving such
compensation, performing such duties, possessing such pow-
ers, holding such terms of office, and elected in such manner
as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by law.
SEC. 3. An election for members of the First and Second
Branch Of the City Council of Baltimore shall be held in the
city of Baltimore on the fourth Wednesday of October, eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-seven; and for members of the First
Branch on the same day in every year thereafter; and for
members of Hie Second Branch on the same day in every
*Thus amended by Chapter 128, Acts of 1898. By Chapter 116, Acts of
1870, the term of Mayor was made two years; and by Chapter 397, Acts of
1888, the day of election was set for the Tuesday alter the first Monday in No-
vember. Act of 1868, Chapter 128, made the first Monday In May. 1899. the
day of election, and every tour years afterward.