Eagan vs. Charles Co., 3 H. & McH., 169. Tax Cases, 12 G. & J„
117. Waters vs. State, I Gill, 302. Burgess vs. Pue, 2 Gill, II and 254.
State vs. Mayhew, 2 Gill, 487. Howell vs. State, 3 Gill, 14. Mayor, &c„
of Balto. vs. B. & O. E. R Co., 6 Gill, 290. Bradford vs. Jones, I Md.,
368. Gennania vs. State, 7 Md., 1. State vs. Norwood, 12 Md., 195.
O 'Neal vs. Va. & Md. Bridge Co., 18 Md., 1. Howard vs. First Inde-
pendent Church, 18 Md., 451. State vs. Stirling, 20 Md., 516. Tyson vs.
State, 28 Md., 577. State vs. Cum. & Penn. R. B. Co., 40 Md., 22. State
vs. N. 0. R. R. Co., 44 Md., 131. State vs. Phil., Wilm. & Balto. R. R.
Co., 45 Md., 361. Appeal Taa: Court vs. Rice, 50 Md., 303. Appeal Tax
Court vs. Patterson, 50 Md., 354. Co. Commr. of Prince George's Co. vs.
Commrs. of Laurel, 51 Md., 457. Mayor, &c., vs. Canton Co., 63 Md.,
237. Daly vs. Morgan, 69 Md., 460. Commrs. Prince George's Co. vs.
Oammrs. Laurel, 70 Md., 269. Allen vs. Co. Commrs. Harford Co., 74
Md., 294. Wells vs. Commrs. of Hyattsville, 77 Md., 125. U. S. Elee.
trie Power Light Co. vs. State, 79 Md., 63. Rohr vs. Gray, 80 Md., 274.
Short vs. The State, 80 Md., 292. Baltimore and Eastern Shore B. B. vs.
Spring, 80 Md., 510. Simpson vs. Hopkias, 82 Md., 478. Faust vs.
Building Ass'n, 84 Md., 186. B., C. & A. By. vs. Wicomico Co., 93 Md.,
113. Carstairs vs. Cochran, 94 Md., 500. Corry vs. Baltimore, 96 Md.,
320. M. & C. C. of Balto. vs. Johnson, 96 Md., 737. Baltimore vs. Safe
Deposit and Trust Co., 97 Md., 662. Miller vs. Wicomico Co., 107 Md.
Art. 16. That sanguinary Laws ought to be avoided as far
as it is consistent with the safety of the State; and no Law
to inflict cruel and unusual pains and penalties ought to be
made in any case, or at any time, hereafter.
Foote vs. State, 59 Md., 264. Mitchell vs. State, 82 Md., 527.
Art. 17. That retrospective Laws, punishing acts commit-
ted before the existence of such Laws, and by them only de-
clared criminal are oppressive, unjust and incompatible with
liberty; wherefore, no ex post facto Law ought to be made;
nor any retrospective oath or restriction, be imposed or
McMechen vs. Mayor, &c., of Balto., 2 H. & J., 41. C. & O.Canal
Co., vs. B. & O. B. R. Co., 4 0. & J„ 1. State, use of Washington Co., vs.
B. & O. B. R. Co., 18 0. & J„ 399. State vs. Burke, 2 Gill, 79. Bangher
vs. Nelson, 9 Gill, 302. Wilson vs. Hardesty, 1 Md., Ch., 66. Wilder-
man vs. Mayor, &c., of Balto., 8 Md., 551. Thistle vs. Frostburg Coal
Co., 10 Md., 129. State vs. Norwood, 12 Md., 195. Willis vs. Ilodson,
79 Md., 327. Lynn vs. The State, 84 Md., 67.
Art. 18. That no Law to attaint particular persons of trea-
son or felony, ought to be made in any case, or at any time,
Art. 19. That every man, for any injury done to him in
his person or property ought to have remedy by the coarse
of the Law of the Land, and ought to have justice and right,
freely without sale, fully without any denial, and speedily
without delay, according to Law of the Land.
Wright vs. Wright, 2 Md., 452. United States Electric Power and
Light Co., vs. State, 79 Md., 63. Knee vs. City Pass. By., 87 Md., 624.
Art. 20. That the trial of facts, where they arise, is one of
the greatest securities of the lives, liberties and estate of the