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Maryland Manual, 1919-20
Volume 130, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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one of said Departments shall assume or discharge the duties
of any other,

State vs. Chase, 5 H. & J., 304. Crane vs. Meginnis, 1 G. & J., 463.
Mitchell vs. Mitchell, I Gill, 66. Prout vs. Berry, 2 Gill, 147. Miller vs.
State, 8 Gill, 145. Watkins vs. Watkins, 2 Md., 341. Wright vs.
Wright, 2 Md., 429. Thomas vs. Owens, 4 Md., 189. Gough vs. Pratt,
Adm'r, 9 Md., 526. Calvert vs. Williams, 10 Md., 478. Mayor, &c., of
Balto., vs. .State, 15 Md., 376. State vs. N. C. B. W. Co., 18 Md., 193.
Miles vs. Bradford, 22 Md., 181. Mayor, &c., of Balto., vs. Horn, 26
Md., 206. Green's Estate, 4 Md., Ch. Dec., 349. Waters vs. Boche, 72
Md., 264. Van Witsen vs. Gutman, 79 Md., 405. Mayor, &c., of Balto.,
vs. Ulman, 79 Md., 469. McCrea vs. Roberts, 89 Md., 251. Roby vs.
Prince George's Co., 92 Md., 161. Beasley vs. Bidont, 94 Md., 659.
Board of Supervisors, Prince George's Co., vs. Mitchell, 97 Md., 330.
Queen Anne's Co. vs. Talbot Co. Gregg vs. Public Service Commission,
121 Md.

Art. 9. That no power of saspending Laws or the execu-
tion of Laws, unless by, or derived from the Legislature,
o^ght to be exercised, or allowed.

Art. 10. That freedom of speech and debate, or proceed-
ings in the Legislature, ought not to be impeached in any
Court of Judicature.

Art. II. That Annapolis. be the place of meeting of the
Legislature; and the Legislature ought not to be convened,
or held at any other place but from evident necessity^

Art. 12. That for redress of grievances, and for amend-
ing, strengthening, and for preserving the laws, the Legisla-
ture ought to be frequently convened.

Art. 13. That every man hath a right to petition the Leg-
islature for the redress of grievances in a peaceful and or-
derly manner.

Art. 14. That no aid, charge, tax, burthen or fees ought to
be rated, or levied, under any pretence, without the consent
of the Legislature.

*Art. 15. That the levying of taxes by the poll is grievous
and oppressive and ought to be prohibited; that paupers ought
not to be assessed for the support of the government; that the
General Assembly shall, by nniform rules, provide for separate
assessment of land and classification 'and sub-classifications of
improvements en land and personal property, as it may deem
proper; and all taxes thereafter provided to be levied by the
State for the support of the general State Government, and by
the counties and by the City of Baltimore for their respective;
purposes, shall be uniform as to land within the taxing dis-
trict, and uniform within the class or sub-class of improve-
ments on land and personal property which the respective tax-
ing powers may have directed to be subjected to the tax levy;
yet fines, duties or taxes may properly and justly be imposed,
or laid with a political view for the good government and
benefit of the community.
Tbni amended by Chapter 390, 1814. Ratified November 2, 191B.


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Maryland Manual, 1919-20
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