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Maryland Manual, 1906-07
Volume 118, Page 306   View pdf image (33K)
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District, where he carries on farming and canning1 extensively,
growing all kinds of fruit 'successfully.

In December, 1897, he married Miss Wiley, of Ridgely.
They have one son.

Mr. Jackson is a highly respected citizen, and has many

WILLARD C. TODD, Republican—Williston.

Mr. Todd was born in Caroline County, Maryland, June 6,
1855, and was raised on the farm. He had the benefit of a
country school education, and has been engaged in farming all
his life, in addition to which he has been operating a saw, flour
and grist mill; has been running a creamery since 1892.

In 1895 was elected County Commissioner for six years.

JACOB A. FREDERICK, Democrat—Alesia.

Jacob A. Frederick was born in Hanover, York County,
Pennsylvania, about twelve miles from where he now resides.
He served three years driving teams during the war of the early
sixties; since that he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits,
live stock business and contracting on railroad grading. He has-
been living in Carroll County for thirty years, and has been a
Democrat all his life.

ROBERT LEE MYERS, Democrat—Linwood.

Mr. Myers is a member of the firm of Englar Brothers &
Company, of Linwood, Carroll County, and is also interested
in farming.

He was born in Frederick County in 1864, from which county-
he moved to Carroll County at the age of six years, and, with
. the exception of the last few years, has devoted his time to-
farming. Has never before held office, but has always been an-
ardent worker for the good of the Democratic party. Led the
legislative ticket in Carroll County at the last election.

WILLIAM E. KOLB, Republican—Union Bridge.

William E. Kolb was born in Frederick County, Md., 1864,and
came to Uniontown, Carroll County, when quite a youth. Was
educated in the public schools, began life as a clerk in the gen-
eral merchandising business, secured a position as traveling
salesman for a large firm in Pennsylvania, after which he en-
gaged in the merchandising business on his own account, being:


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Maryland Manual, 1906-07
Volume 118, Page 306   View pdf image (33K)
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