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Maryland Manual, 1906-07
Volume 118, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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in law, graduating from the Baltimore University School of
Law in 1896, having delivered the salutatory address at the com-
mencement of the school that year, since which time he has
been practicing in Baltimore County and City.

SYLVESTER J. ROCHE, Democrat—Mount Washington.

Mr. Roche was born in Mount Washington in 1860; was
educated in the public schools; after which was assistant to
his father, who is a contractor. In 1881 he was married, and
engaged successfully in the feed and grocery business, in which
he is still engaged.

JAMES T. Ross, Republican—Mutual.

Mr. Ross was born January 17, 1858, in Calvert County,
Maryland. His early schooling was at a public school, after
which he had private instructions. When quite young entered
the merchandise business as a clerk, and later on engaged in
farming and merchandising. In 1882-83-84-85 was appointed
Tax Collector for First District of Calvert County. In 1897
was appointed Deputy Tobacco Inspector, which position he
held until 1900. In 1902 and 1903 was appointed Election
Supervisor by ex-Governor John Walter Smith. Elected to
House of Delegates in November, 1905.

ALEXANDER B. DUKE, Republican—Adelina.

Mr. Duke was born in Calvert County in 1858; attended the
public schools until he was sixteen years old, then went to Char-
lotte Hall School, in St. Mary's County, for two years.

He has lived all his life (except two years spent in the West)
on the banks of the Patuxent River, in Calvert County, as a
farmer, and has always taken an active interest in local public
affairs from a Republican point of view. Was Road Supervisor
two years, Road Commissioner four years, and has been mar-
ried for ten years.

His grandfather, Nathaniel Duke, was in the State Senate.

J. ALDA JACKSON, Republican—Goldsboro.
J. Alda Jackson was born in 1868, near Greensboro, Caro-
line County, where he resided until August, 1897, when he pur-
chased a fine tract of land near Goldsboro, in the First Election


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Maryland Manual, 1906-07
Volume 118, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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