located in Uniontown, Bruceville and Middleburg. After seven
years at the latter place he sold the business and purchased a
residence in Union Bridge, Md., where he now resides.
LUTHER M. BUSHEY, Republican—Sykesville.
Mr. Bushey was born in Juniatta County, Pa., on November
3, 1844, and came to Taneytown, Md., with his parents, April
1857. Attended the public schools and Eagleton Institute,
Taneytown; bought his farm in Freedom District in 1873, and
came to reside on it on March 24, 1874. Has been engaged in
farming and stock raising to the present time.
CECIL COUNTY— Three Members.
WILLIAM B. DAVIS, Democrat—Cecilton.
Mr. Davis was born and has always lived at Cecilton, in Cecil
County. He devotes his entire time to the pursuit of farming
and has had no other occupation.
In 1901 was elected a County Commissioner for Cecil County
and in 1905 to the House of Delegates.
ALFRED B. CAMERON, Republican—North East, R. F. D.
Mr, Camerson was born in Ninth Election District, Cecil
County, December 3, 1855; resides and owns the farm where
born, being the youngest son of late Wm. Cameron, who was
an early settler and one of the oldest families of that district.
Has always been actively identified with the agricultural inter-
ests of that section of the county. Although an earnest Repub-
lican, never sought or held office at the hands of his party,
being tendered the nomination, accepted and was elected by the
people. His education was limited. When a boy he worked
on the farm in summer, went to public school in winter, about
three or four months in a year. He is highly favorable for the
advancement of education and general improvement.
W. ATWOOD MONTGOMERY, Republican—Oakwood.
Mr. Montgomery, son of John E. and Sarah Montgomery,
was born near New London, Chester County, Pennsylvania,
February 20, 1854. His early manhood was spent on his
father's farm; later he took up this pursuit in Southern Lan-
caster County, from whence he moved some fifteen years ago
to the Eighth Election District, Cecil County, Maryland.
He is a highly esteemed, respected and prosperous farmer;
a man of sterling personal qualities and of unquestioned in-
tegrity. He belongs to a class of representative men of Cecil
County, of which there have been in years past too few in the