CARVILLE D. BENSON, Democrat—Halethorp.
Mr. Benson was born in Baltimore County August 24, 1872;
received his education in the public schools, and graduated at
the Baltimore University School of Law in 1893. He resides
at Halethorpe, Baltimore County, and has been in the active
practice of his profession ever since his admission to the bar.
He is now associated in the practice of law with Mr. Harry E
Karr, under the firm name of Benson & Karr, with offices in
the Law Building, Baltimore City. He was a member of the
last session of the Legislature, was chairman of several im-
portant committees, and took an active part in all business be-
fore the House.
ALBERT F. BRUNIER, Democrat—Station D, Baltimore.
Albert F. Brunier, member of the House of Delegates, was
born in 1854; came from Germany at the age of thirteen years;
after attending public school, found employment with the
firm of William Wilkens & Co., remaining with them until the
age of twenty-nine, where he began the manufacturing of curled
hair and brush fibre, in which business, he is engaged at present.
He was nominated for Judge of the Orphans' Court for Balti-
more County in 1895, but was defeated; was again nominated in
1899 and elected for four years. He is married and lives at
Irvington, First District of Baltimore County; is a Mason and
member of Lutheran Church.
JOHN GEPHART, Democrat—Mount Washington.
John Gephart was born in Baltimore City November 21,
1848; was educated in private schools, after which had a busi-
ness training under his father, the late John Gephart, Sr., who
ior many years was in the wholesale tobacco trade in Baltimore.
In 1872 he entered the service of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company, and remained in their employ for more than
thirty years.
During the last three years he has not been engaged in any
He is married and has two children.
HARRY E. GOODWIN, Democrat—Reisterstown.
Mr. Goodwin was born in Carroll County, Maryland, in the
year 1869, and received his education in the public schools and
Western Maryland College. At the age of sixteen moved to
Glyndon, Baltimore County, where he has since resided. Was
in the general merchandise business at Reisterstown and Glyn-
don from 1890 to 1896, at the same time taking a. night course