No extra compensation shall be allowed to any member or
officer of the House during the present session, except to the
members of the Committee on Engrossed Bills and Resolu-
tions, with such additional members of said committee as may
be authorized to be appointed at or about the close of the
session, and to the clerks of said committee, and such ad-
ditional clerks as may be authorized to be appointed at or
about the close of the session, and such others as may be
required to remain in attendance upon the business of the
House after final adjournment; but no extra compensation
shall be paid in any event, except in pursuance of resolution
or order of the House, to be reported upon by its appropriate
committee, to be passed by aye and nay vote, by a majority
of all the members elected to the House, which said order or
resolution shall also fix the amount that shall be allowed.
All clerks, officers or employees shall be prompt in their
attendance at each opening of the House, and shall remain at
their several posts daring the entire sitting of the House,
ready to render any service in accordance with their several
No clerk, officer or employee shall be absent at any time
during the sitting of the House, unless by permission of the
Speaker, nor absent himself from the service of the House,
unless in pursuance of leave of absence obtained from the
Shall keep the Minutes of Proceedings in the House, and
with the aid and co-operation of the Journal Clerk make out,
subject to the control of the Speaker, the Journal of said pro-
ceedings, in readiness for the same to be read at the next
meeting of the House.
He shall keep the files of the House, preserve all petitions
and other papers belonging to the archives.
He shall place appropriate endorsements upon all papers
presented to the House, and after entering the same in
books kept for that purpose, send to the Printer of the House
such as are to be printed, and to the appropriate Committees
such as are referred without printing.
He shall convey all messages from the House to the Senate,
preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms.