The Rules of Proceedings in the House shall be observed in
a Committee of the Whole House, so far as applicable.
The officers of the House shall be one Chief Clerk, one
Reading Clerk, one Journal Clerk, one Sergeant-at-arms, one
Postmaster, one Assistant Postmaster, five Assistant Clerks,
one Keeper of Cloak Room, three Doorkeepers, three Pages,
five Folders, three Chaplains.
The Speaker shall appoint a suitable person to be Assistant
Janitor, also a Messenger to the Printer, and Messenger to the
Speaker, and shall provide, by appointment, such employees
as may be found requisite and necessary for the care and
custodianship of the rotunda, committee rooms and lavatory.
The Speaker shall appoint additional assistant engrossing
and committee clerks, as the same may be necessary here-
after, not to exceed six, to be paid from date of appointment.
The Speaker shall assign and re-assign the employees of the
House from one position to another, as their capacity and
efficiency may indicate, and shall have power to suspend
from duty without pay, for neglect of duty or other miscon-
duct in his discretion.
He shall also select and appoint a private secretary, who
shall be a stenographer and typewriter, to attend to the
official correspondence and clerical work connected with the
office of Speaker.
The Chairmen of the Committees on Ways and Means and
Claims shall appoint a clerk each to their respective com-
mittees. The compensation of all the clerks and employees
shall be five dollars a day, except the Chief Clerk, Reading
Clerk and Journal Clerk, who shall be paid ten dollars a day;
the Clerk to the Committee on Claims and Chief Engrossing
Clerk, six dollars a day each.
The Pages shall be required, when necessary, to assist the
folders and the officers of the House in such duties as may
be assigned to them, when not actually engaged in the active
duties of the office of Page.